There is often more to sourcing fasteners than having product when you need it and where you need it. Your supply of fasteners should also be easy, almost seamless, to administer. Eliminating any ordering, shipping, and invoicing problems is one of the key goals of All-Pro’s approach to working with its customers.
All-Pro’s orientation towards working with its customers goes far beyond just the buying and selling of fasteners. Our emphasis is on building a business relationship with our customers so that all aspects of fastener supply are handled smoothly and predictably, with little or no time-consuming issues.
The process of building an efficient and effective fastener supply program begins with All-Pro making the effort to understand the nuances of your organization. We will work with you to better understand your ordering process, how you receive product, the relationship between purchasing and accounting within your organization, and how you prefer to be invoiced. And All-Pro is ready to work with you in as much or as little detail as you prefer.
By getting to know your company and the way it works, we are able to develop a fastener sourcing program that best meets your needs from a purchasing, operations, and accounting perspective.
If a comprehensive approach to fastener sourcing sounds like a direction that might work for your organization, please let us know by contacting us by phone at 800.361.6627 or by email, [email protected].