Welding is a proven and sometimes preferred method of fabricating steel-to-steel connections. However, in many applications, fasteners offer advantages including time, cost, labor savings, and safety.
When evaluating whether welding or fastening is better suited for a particular installation, a variety of project factors should be considered. In the final analysis, the type of joint to be specified and fabricated depends on materials, coatings, load factors and more, as well as operational preferences.
All-Pro Fasteners has recently published a new whitepaper, Fastening vs. Welding: Fabricating Better Joints, which addresses these factors in detail.
Subjects discussed in the new whitepaper include the weldability of the materials to be fastened (including surface coatings, that may be affected by heat), joint types, installation processes, logistics, inspection requirements, cost, labor availability, accessibility, environmental conditions, safety, and future maintenance considerations.
All-Pro Fasteners is offering a free download of Fastening vs. Welding: Fabricating Better Joints, which includes an overview of welding and of fastening processes, project factors to consider, and a comparison of both joining methods. An introduction to the Lindapter® Advanced Clamping System is also included in the whitepaper, describing how this system can deliver high-strength joints in the field by quickly clamping two steel sections using hand-tightening tools only.
“Fastening vs. Welding: Fabricating Better Joints is the second whitepaper in our Fastener Facts series, which we are developing to provide in-depth information concerning fastening and related joining processes,” says Todd Grzych, Director of Marketing and Communications of All-Pro Fasteners – a fastener supplier. “Our initial Fastener Facts whitepaper, Fastener Corrosion: Avoiding Problems in Advance provides an overview of the leading causes of corrosion, along with strategies for minimizing or avoiding corrosion through the selection of fastener materials, designs, and coatings.”
Click the below thumbnail to download Fastening vs. Welding: Fabricating Better Joints.